Could you be an Extraterrestrial? Only you can decide.
If you have found yourself here... I am going to assume you’re looking for more than just an easy answer. Maybe you’re stumbling in on a hunch that you don’t belong to planet earth and you have some mission here to complete. We all know there are other life forms out in the universe besides us . There is a whole belief system that began to emerge with Edgar Cayce in 1942 and many world governments have documented cases since the 1940’s. I feel each of us have our own beliefs and thoughts about how we resonate with extraterrestrials. Here are some reasons you may be drawn ET life: · You are a starseed, light/darkworker, or wanderer looking to find your true self. · You are an abductee that wants to understand the who, what, where and why of your life changing experience. · You are a human hybrid - means half human/ half extraterrestrial Since each of you have a different path and mission on earth, I have ...