Raising your vibration and calibrating your energy with 12 synergy stones
At this point in our timeline of evolution, we are being asked to look wide and deep into everything. Back in 2012 the healers of planet earth/ Gaia began to show us ways to turn in to the new vibration. There was a combination of stones that was found when combined they could balance and align you to the divine plan. These are 12 of the most powerful synergy stone to date created by the cosmic energy of the planet. They are a special collection of Meteorites/Tektites and Crystals, these stones are newly emerging because the planet is growing and changing plus what we are adding to the environment. When these stones are placed together they open the crystal grid points on your body. Each stone has been affixed to a selenite wand that has powers of its own. This wand/combination of crystals has abilities the ability to open your spiritual destiny and accelerate your life lessons to a point for pushed evolution....