
Showing posts from March 22, 2020

Galactic Healing on Earth

Here on earth we are always looking for ways to connect with the cosmos. Many of us yearn to know if there is any life beyond our stratosphere, causing us to dream of ways to project our spirits upward.  It really is the quest for the unknown that holds our attention towards great father sky. Since we are all partial celestial beings in some way it is not surprising that we continue to believe. Within the new age movement it is thought that we are all ascending from 3 to 5 dimensional conscious beings and our DNA is upgrading to a more evolved human species.  They call this process, Ascension.    There are many different theories about what this entails so we will not go into that. But if you are reading about this topic for the first time, I encourage you to find out more. Many web sites show list of how to tell if you are having some of the symptoms or somatic signs of ascension.  As we move from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous beings, we are ...