
Showing posts from December 8, 2013

Special Briefing on:::: Ascension

Ascension What is it? Is it just another prophecy sent out to create fear? Who is ascending? Will my loved ones come with me? What am I suppose to do about it? Why should I care, when there is no proof? Why is it happening now? What if you wake up too late ?  What will it hurt for you to try? How come there are no hard facts in the news? You don’t have to believe that anything is going on but what if it is and you choose not to act? During this period in our current lives the vibration of the planet is rising and our spiritual bodies are moving towards enlightenment and positive understanding.                                       It seems like time is speeding up, things are happening faster. Our DNA is changing . Most of you are feeling the ...

Signs & Cymptoms of a Soul Awakening

               Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm. ~~by: Unknown~~ Seeing the signs and cymptoms of awakening can be a challenge for all of us. We tend to just want to take a pill or feed our addictions in place of changing our interpersonal direction. I found this list on the internet and it is the best one. I take no credit for this site but do feel it covers any type of sign/cymptoms you could have.                                      50 SYMPTOMS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING                                          ...

Understanding the CALL

Understanding the CALL The start of the awakening process>>>>>>>>> So you are awake now and need to understand what is happening to you.                                           **** Frequently, listen to your body. It's need for water and rest.  **** Trust you know why process better than anyone. **** Tune into the synchronicity of your life path. ***Allow yourself to feel. Feeling the full emotion; s uppressing emotions are dangerous.   **** Know you may experience many calls, as each layer of yourself is understood... then next layer begins to show. We all have seasons, within our spiritual life ups, downs, plateau and stagnation. These are normal whether you're actively working your path or not. Don’t...

Types of Awakenings:

Spiritual awakenings are noted to have a variety of different names. The experience is often referred to as mystical, paranormal, or sacred. Spiritual awakenings will differ depending on what part of the world you are in. Some cultures are very religious based and the experience may be seen as a message from the gods or deities. Others deem this process as strictly part of the brain’s function and believe it is controlled by the mind. Yet another group feels it is a walk-in experience where a different soul is sent to take over the body after the other soul has quit living. Regardless of the way awakening is viewed, the fact remains that something is occurring and you may need help dealing with it while it happens.   Here are some types of awakening.     Kundalini Awakening: An activation of charkas, usually beginning from the root charka (red) and stretching to the crown charka (purple).When this activation happens it brings the human ...

Soul Awakening

                                                           Soul  Awakening....   is a realization that something is happening deep within. You no longer identify with who you were before & feel a burning desire to figure out what is changing and why.     You feel connected to something bigger than you, but feel like your journey has just started. For lack of any other definition, there seems to be a separation between the soul and the body (skin). As humans we think there is a definable beginning and end. But the soul is eternal.   This can confuse the skin and simple part of the mind, resulting in a driven need to find a l...

Respect...A Key Value

                                              This was found on the internet... Unknown

Joining Groups

Words for the wise, before you join one.. Search your soul. If you are concerned with the possibility that your energy is being used for someone else’s gain, get out or away as quickly as you can ; then protect your energy. Learn how to trust your gut instinct and hone your intuition; it will be your greatest personal weapon against cults, and other energy robbers. Understanding how to use your insight and judgment, this will save you in the long run from an experience that could be devastating. Be careful about joining a group before your spirit is ready. This could cause a spiritual stifling that could stop or hold you back permanently.              If your questioning yourself about:                    * groups actions that are happening,making you feel uncomfortable   ...

Engaging the Flow >>Finding your soul’s way home or to become more of who you are!

                          What is engaging the flow and how do I do it? Often called, walking the red path by some shamans. It is really simple, you must open your conscious mind to synchronicity.Things happen for a reason. Your looking for synchronic events that seem like coincidence. These situations of coincidence        equal the confirmation, that your on the right path or track. Synchronicity defined                                            Carl Gustav Jung coined the term synchronicity to signify "the simultaneous occurrence of two meaningful but not causally connected events," or as "a coinci...


***Spirits play an important role in the lives of humans*** They can influence us in many ways; spirits can be either good or bad. Most often the afflicted human consciousness and the spirit are not working together for the greater good of the soul.   Shamans use various techniques to create a trance like state using chants, singing, dancing, rattles and drums. This trance like state is created in both the Shaman and the afflicted human. Shape shifting is a common way for shamans to work with the other spirits’ energy. During the healing process the shaman's spirit leaves the body and enters into the supernatural world to complete certain tasks of the healing process many times using the dream world. Shamans will take the form of an animal, acting as omens and message-bearers, as well as representations of animal spirit guides. The afflicted soul is usually willing to work with the shaman’s animal apparition, making the healing process smoot...