Signs & Cymptoms of a Soul Awakening
Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm. ~~by: Unknown~~
Seeing the signs and cymptoms of awakening can be a challenge for
all of us. We tend to just want to take a pill or feed our addictions in place
of changing our interpersonal direction.
I found this list on the internet and it is the best one. I take
no credit for this site but do feel it covers any type of sign/cymptoms you
could have.
50 SYMPTOMS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Copyright © Living In My Own World
What you need to supply at this point is pure honesty with yourself. Take a deep look at all of you, there is nothing to fear. The signs have guided you here and that is the first step.
What I feel is important here is putting the pieces together. Understand that there is an imbalance in your 3rd Chakra (Manipura) is located in the belly.
It is the seat of one’s personal power. Directly affecting one’s ability to project their will into manifestation; You have the key to fix it.
Finding the signs and matching your symptoms will help you uncover the truth about your soul’s lessons.
Each layer of our soul holds lessons that need to be understood this life time, so the soul can advance thru the ascension. In my opinion…HELL, is living in body. It limits our abilities and forces us to create action within ourselves to change our personal path.
These signs/cymptoms, push us to move forward with working on your selves; even when we don’t want to find the will power or self determination.
- Everyone has the abilities, it is called Desire.
- If desire is what you’re TRULY missing in life, then see the list and let your path unfold, for fear can only be beaten by desire!
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