Special Briefing on:::: Ascension


What is it? Is it just another prophecy sent out to create fear?

Who is ascending? Will my loved ones come with me?

What am I suppose to do about it?

Why should I care, when there is no proof?

Why is it happening now?
What if you wake up too late ? 

What will it hurt for you to try?
How come there are no hard facts in the news?

You don’t have to believe that anything is going on but what if it is and you choose not to act?

During this period in our current lives the vibration of the planet is rising and our spiritual bodies are moving towards enlightenment and positive understanding.                                       It seems like time is speeding up, things are happening faster.

Our DNA is changing.

Most of you are feeling the symptoms of Ascension listed below,                                               but doctors can’t find anything wrong with you.                                                                          Trust the process the answers are right before you.
*Extreme fatigue, even after sleeping or after an emotional event (happy or tragic).

*Depression, anxiety, panic and heart palpitations,m
emory lapses or moments of confusion regarding time/schedules over simple stuff

*Intense or disturbing dreams, nightmares, terrors or past life dreams

*Body tremors and shaking extremities for no reason, tingling sensations (like crawling skin) in different areas such as the scalp, face and upper back.

*Extreme sensitivity to heat and cold for no real reason; Extremely cold feet and hands

*Heart burn, gastrointestinal upset, digestive issues, bloating and weight gain and lose of 5 pounds or less daily.

*Muscle aches and joint issues for no reason. Headaches, blurry eyes and vertigo

* Emotional overload/sensitivity for no reason, like an underlying feeling that has no merit

If you are experiencing these signs and there is no clear medical reason;it is time for you to take charge of your own mind. There are plenty of doctors and drug companies out there willing to suppress you. Your not going crazy like others think you are.

*Drugs and alcohol are not the answer.

*Learn to plan your day,you'll experience less stress

*Get rest, as much sleep as you can

*Drink water… Lots of it.

*Make time for yourself and your loved ones to enjoy each other

*Turn off the negative TV.

*Do something that makes you feel joy and happiness, awaken hope

*Love unconditionally.

*Let go of your fears about things.

The list goes on, How can I do all of this?

                  Each day make a conscious effort to take control of one thing in your life.
               The best way to work with your mind is to learn to understand your emotions.                         They are the key to changing the way you act and how you handle life.
                      Positive thinking is not hard, it simply requires you to be conscientious.
                                           Wake up and start changing yourself today!

More wonderful resources >>>>>>


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