What is a Symbiotic Psychic Vampire?
Symbiotic/Symbiosis; defined as a relationship
between two of anything, one drawing off the other. The draw can be positive or
negative depending on what the connection is about but usually it is mutual
What is a symbiotic psychic vampire?
A symbiotic vampire is a form of psychic vampire with the characteristic of surviving on the draining of only negative energy. So instead of feeding off of the life force physical and mental energies, symbiotic vampires feed off of the spiritual energies and electro-bio-chemical energy found in a person's aura.
The path of a symbiotic vampire is not easy but can be managed with introspective self work. We drain negative energy with intent and do not usually wish to harm our negative energy source in anyway. I will explain the electro-bio-chemical process by drawing from my own experience. Sharing with you what happens as a symbiotic psychic vampire takes away your negative energy:
There is an assimilation process that happens when you
meet a symbiotic vampire. We all exchange/feed on energy constantly and
naturally, creating a cause and effect situation. During assimilation your aura
is emitting its negative energy while the symbiotic vampire is taking it into
their aura/life force. The symbiotic vampire in turn cycles that energy to refine
it into a more positive form. This exchange clears your auric channel so your
life force can refill and maintain itself by regenerating its own positive
energy or by accepting energy emitted by the symbiotic
We are not the people that leave you feeling drained and wiped out - that is an emotional vampire, or just someone living for drama and chaos. The exchange you get from a symbiotic psychic vampire is all positive. The drain you feel is light and pleasant. It can be captivating and addicting because it allows your life force to refill itself. It aids in increasing your personal power and self esteem.
Energy has both positive and negative things attached to it. The negative energy that one extracts could be stress, worry, self doubt and heartache to name a few things (more mentioned in the levels list below).Think of any negative thing and place some value on it emotionally and physically; that emotional energy is what the symbiotic feels.
Negative energy can be located in any area of the soul.
What is a symbiotic psychic vampire?
A symbiotic vampire is a form of psychic vampire with the characteristic of surviving on the draining of only negative energy. So instead of feeding off of the life force physical and mental energies, symbiotic vampires feed off of the spiritual energies and electro-bio-chemical energy found in a person's aura.
In my
It requires the symbiotic
psychic vampire to be humble and empathic to be effective in their own energy
levels. One must have morals and ethics, understanding how you as the symbiotic
psychic vampire affect everyone around you.
The path of a symbiotic vampire is not easy but can be managed with introspective self work. We drain negative energy with intent and do not usually wish to harm our negative energy source in anyway. I will explain the electro-bio-chemical process by drawing from my own experience. Sharing with you what happens as a symbiotic psychic vampire takes away your negative energy:
We are not the people that leave you feeling drained and wiped out - that is an emotional vampire, or just someone living for drama and chaos. The exchange you get from a symbiotic psychic vampire is all positive. The drain you feel is light and pleasant. It can be captivating and addicting because it allows your life force to refill itself. It aids in increasing your personal power and self esteem.
Energy has both positive and negative things attached to it. The negative energy that one extracts could be stress, worry, self doubt and heartache to name a few things (more mentioned in the levels list below).Think of any negative thing and place some value on it emotionally and physically; that emotional energy is what the symbiotic feels.
Negative energy can be located in any area of the soul.
I break it down into three
level .…Emotions
from recent hurt, like actions of others that cause minor personality damage.
Some light cases of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) would be included here
as well.
level.. Deeper
rooted heartbreak such as emotionally mixed messages given by someone you care
about. Unhealthy habits and patterns of behavior like obsession, abuse,
codependence and addictive behaviors are included here, too.
Deep Plants.. Includes past life scars and lessons, regret, shame and
deep seated guilt. Also abandonment in any form, grief for lost pieces of the
self or soul fragments (taken or given away), and refusal to let go of patterns
imprinted on us from loved ones or traumatic situations.
A symbiotic psychic vampire may not always be able to tell
on the first meeting how deep the feeding will need to become. Or exactly at
what level the negative energy is located. The level of connection needed will
depend on what the negative energy is and what your soul wants removed.
*Ambient feeding can occur as we stand close to each other. It does not require touching or a deep connection to extract your negative energy from you. It happens almost naturally for the symbiotic vampire. They only need to be close to you. Most symbiotic vampire have learned to filter so they can sustain their own energy levels without drawing too – or the wrong type of energy - much from the source.
*The process is not painful to the donor. Almost always the soul is relieved quickly but there can be after effects when one layer of negative energy is removed. Your emotions are usually elevated with the initial release, happy for no apparent reason and you may physically feel lighter. However, crying and some anger may occur depending on the level of the deeply rooted negative energy. (Especially in mid and deep level plants.) Some physical symptoms may occur also during the assimilation process such as... tingling in the area where negative energy is being removed, dizziness or light head, loss of breath; hot or cold feeling in the body and /or feeling like you’re in a time warp.
Please see my Symbiotic
Psychic Vampire video;
There are three ways to feed for any psychic vampire
ambient, direct or deep.
Some souls hang on to
negative energy for various reasons.
The upper level of negative energy is easily
taken away without a verbal exchange or contact. Removal of anything mid level will require a
verbal exchange and possibly direct feeding which requires
Deep plants will require
contact. It may take more than a few exchanges along
with a small desire to seek relief.
*Ambient feeding can occur as we stand close to each other. It does not require touching or a deep connection to extract your negative energy from you. It happens almost naturally for the symbiotic vampire. They only need to be close to you. Most symbiotic vampire have learned to filter so they can sustain their own energy levels without drawing too – or the wrong type of energy - much from the source.
*The process is not painful to the donor. Almost always the soul is relieved quickly but there can be after effects when one layer of negative energy is removed. Your emotions are usually elevated with the initial release, happy for no apparent reason and you may physically feel lighter. However, crying and some anger may occur depending on the level of the deeply rooted negative energy. (Especially in mid and deep level plants.) Some physical symptoms may occur also during the assimilation process such as... tingling in the area where negative energy is being removed, dizziness or light head, loss of breath; hot or cold feeling in the body and /or feeling like you’re in a time warp.
Symbiotic vampires are often confused with energy healers, even within themselves.
Why do we hold on to negative energy?
energy can be given to us by others through abusive words and actions. Drama and
gossip are huge offenders that I find. Negative energy plays an important role
in our lives, it creates change. Not always positive changes. Since we create
negative energy for our self we must want to be ready to get rid of it. Some
souls are so comfortable in their negative energy it is hard to extract it from
them. Interactions are minimal with these souls, even for a symbiotic psychic
souls have lessons they must learn during this incarnation. Lesson can come with
a negative energy attached to it. Like love and heart ache. Sometimes souls keep
the negative energy because the soul has not yet learned the lesson or maybe
building on the negative emotion to create the learning lesson. A symbiotic
psychic vampire must know when to stop the feed as to not interfere with the
karmic process.
I’m Fred from the United States, i was been transformed to a Vampire through the help of a vampire spell member who lives in Florida, it was just as Easy as possible, at first i was thinking it going to take a while for my ( D.N.A.) to respond to the spell, all i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to my dear friend Mr. Enrique who directed me to Vampire Lord
ReplyDeleteIf your dream is to become a powerful person in life contact. Vampirelord7878@gmail.com