
Showing posts from February 14, 2016

The World of Crystals and Gemstones

In the world of crystals and gemstones, you can find many different ways to follow their call. Each person that writes a book on healing stones has a somewhat  different spin on how to acquire, use, and maintain healing stones. Remember this one piece of advice that I will always give:  take the information that resonates with  you and keep it; then discard the rest. You must trust that your soul and spirit guides will lead you to  what works best for you. Keeping it simple does work, too How to Pick Stones When picking stones, there  are a few ways that I feel works best. The first way is to just pick  the ones that look the prettiest to you; here you trust your intuition  completely. This is an excellent method if you’re not experienced  or don’t quite understand the feeling you get from stones. You  can choose stones in the raw or polished forms, because the power in the stone does  not change; however, some believe it d...