
Showing posts from April 26, 2020

Saint Dymphna is Here to Assist

Saint Dymphna had me on a hunt for a pink candle this past week. She gave me no real specifics except, it is to be used to conjure many aspects of healing.  While hunting online...I would sense the whispers of Saint Dymphna as she guided me to craft this spell candle honoring her. She is the Patron Saint of those suffering  of nervous and mental afflictions.  I myself am no stranger to mental affliction.But she knows, we are at a place in our timeline in which we must save the human race. We have to change, what is not working for us. Some of us have had to pay..grave hardship under the new normal. We must face that it may never be the same as it was before the CoVid-19 virus.   Some have lost everything, health, wealth and housing. Not to mention our peace of mind. She sends you her strength and wise vision. We must heal each other, care for something real and tangible not always elusive and disposable.  Tur...