The World of Crystals and Gemstones

In the world of crystals and gemstones, you can find many different ways to follow their call. Each person that writes a book on healing stones has a somewhat different spin on how to acquire, use, and maintain healing stones.
Remember this one piece of advice that I will always give: 
take the information that resonates with you and keep it; then discard the rest. You must trust that your soul and spirit guides will lead you to what works best for you. Keeping it simple does work, too

How to Pick Stones
When picking stones, there are a few ways that I feel works
best. The first way is to just pick the ones that look the prettiest to
you; here you trust your intuition completely. This is an excellent
method if you’re not experienced or don’t quite understand the
feeling you get from stones. You can choose stones in the raw or
polished forms, because the power in the stone does not change; however, some believe it does make a difference.
Some people like to follow strict rules around the power of stones, but I feel rules about how to use them only restricts the stones’ ability to work. You are able to program stones, but I will talk about programming later.
So choose what works best for you.
The second way to find a stone is to pick one that catches your eye and then hold your hand palm down over the stone while quieting your mind’s eye. Notice  how it makes you feel; you may feel heat, tingling, or a twitching in your hand. You may feel certain emotions ora change in your breathing pattern. Those signs mean the stone is communicating with you.
You may then want to know what the metaphysical meaningof the stone is before you obtain it. Most good shops have a book
or a short reference as to what the stone’s main purpose is. But again, remember the stone is working withyour soul and sometimes you may be attracted to a stone and you consciouslydon’t know you need it yet.Being completely unaware of what stones are needed at this point, sometimes it requires one to get past small personal issues before one can see clearly as to what is needed to assist their soul’s growth. It is like taking steps to get to the top, but you can’t get to the top of the mountain without climbingup the side and dealing with the things on the pathway first.

Connecting to Your Intuition
Okay, you’re still trying to understand how to connectwith your intuition. You found some stones you like, but you’re still unsure as to what is really occurring. Trust is the issue at this point, and you must let go of your preconceived ideas that your thinking is crazy or it is strange to feel stones.
This will be the first step in your spiritual growth
with crystals and stones. There are no wrong answersin stones. Just as many believe that God will not give you what you cannot handle well, neither will yourspirit guide.

Here is my prescription for beginners. These are inexpensive
and most people find them to be simple stones, nothing to raise a lot of attention with onlookers if you’re struggling with that.

Amethyst: It opens your third eye, allowing you to let 

go of your perceived ideas and connect you with the cosmic consciousness.

Rose quartz: Opens your heart chakra to assist you in learning to love all of yourself fully and accept your flaws so they will not hold you back. Clear quartz crystal: You can choose it in any form;double terminal points are the best, but any kind will work. These stones are used to connect us to all energy, creating a connection to cosmic consciousness and allowing this pure positive energy to flow through your soul from your head and feet.

A grounding stone that is magnetized naturally;
it connects us to the earth star chakra that is within
the earth. It helps drain negative energy out of your feet
and hands.

How to Use Your Crystals and Stones
Now that you have your stones, you can carry them on your person, in a pocket or in a medicine pouch. It does not matter where you keep them as long as you can see them or feel them at least
once daily. You can even meditate with them on your body.
One of the other things you can do is to look up your stones’ meanings. Two books I really recommend and use a lot are The Book of Stones
by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian and Healing With Gemstones and Crystals by Diane Stein. Many also use the book Love Is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals — The Reference Book Describing the Metaphysical Properties of the Mineral Kingdom
by Melody. Each book has a different twist on the topics but relay the same basics. 

By learning more about your stones, you can empower
the work between you and the stones’ properties. This will
help you understand why it has called to you and will assist
you in finding more stones for your future spiritual growth.
In my next column I will talk in depth about the care,
cleansing, and programming of stones and how to do it

By Silvermoon Medicyn .. Paranormal Underground January 2013


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