
Showing posts from 2020

Urban Herbology

Mystical herbology is not limited to the countryside and suburbs; here in the city we have our  own kind of magikal herbs. You can find them growing in cracks, throughout parks, and along greenway areas. They are often in places you would never expect; the trick to spotting them is knowing what you’re looking for. Urban foraging is on an upswing here in the Pacific Northwest. People enjoy going out and  walking around in the local areas and finding herbs that are growing on public land. We can purchase our herbs in any store or spice shop and even off the internet, but nothing feels more authentic than harvesting your own. In my opinion, there is no better thrill than finding an herb and picking some of it for free. By harvesting your own herbs you add to the power of the plant, enhancing the spiritual connection between yourself and every earthly element. Growing a plant requires each element to create new sprouting and replenishment. The element...

Raising your vibration and calibrating your energy with 12 synergy stones

         At this point in our timeline of evolution, we are being asked to look wide and deep into everything. Back in 2012 the healers of planet earth/ Gaia began to show us ways to turn in to the new vibration. There was a combination of stones that was found when combined they could balance and align you to the divine plan.        These are 12 of the most powerful synergy stone to date created by the cosmic energy of the planet. They are a special collection of Meteorites/Tektites and Crystals, these stones are newly emerging because the planet is growing and changing plus what we are adding to the environment. When these stones are placed together they open the crystal grid points on your body. Each stone has been affixed to a selenite wand that has powers of its own.  This wand/combination of crystals has abilities the ability to open your spiritual destiny and accelerate  your life lessons to a point for pushed evolution....

Saint Dymphna is Here to Assist

Saint Dymphna had me on a hunt for a pink candle this past week. She gave me no real specifics except, it is to be used to conjure many aspects of healing.  While hunting online...I would sense the whispers of Saint Dymphna as she guided me to craft this spell candle honoring her. She is the Patron Saint of those suffering  of nervous and mental afflictions.  I myself am no stranger to mental affliction.But she knows, we are at a place in our timeline in which we must save the human race. We have to change, what is not working for us. Some of us have had to pay..grave hardship under the new normal. We must face that it may never be the same as it was before the CoVid-19 virus.   Some have lost everything, health, wealth and housing. Not to mention our peace of mind. She sends you her strength and wise vision. We must heal each other, care for something real and tangible not always elusive and disposable.  Tur...

The Roots of Hoodoo Herbology.

The word hoodoo was originally documented in American English in the mid-1800's. Back then it meant one would “intentionally” cause harm to others for self-gain, translating into “I hoodoo you” in spell work. The meaning now a day has changed dramatically in the areas it is practiced in but unfortunately it still has a negative undertone to it, largely due to the strict beliefs of our Christian based society. Hoodoo spiritualism practices and principles began evolving in the early 1930's in America with  a large concentration near the Mississippi Delta. It began spreading rapidly throughout the southern states with its largest population of practitioners in New Orleans. Hoodoo in American   terms is known as Conjure or Rootwork.  This type of practice originated as African American  folk magic. It is mainly compromised of a mixture of cultures like Haitian, Cuban and Jamaican;  this is largely due to the fact that the original practition...

Galactic Healing on Earth

Here on earth we are always looking for ways to connect with the cosmos. Many of us yearn to know if there is any life beyond our stratosphere, causing us to dream of ways to project our spirits upward.  It really is the quest for the unknown that holds our attention towards great father sky. Since we are all partial celestial beings in some way it is not surprising that we continue to believe. Within the new age movement it is thought that we are all ascending from 3 to 5 dimensional conscious beings and our DNA is upgrading to a more evolved human species.  They call this process, Ascension.    There are many different theories about what this entails so we will not go into that. But if you are reading about this topic for the first time, I encourage you to find out more. Many web sites show list of how to tell if you are having some of the symptoms or somatic signs of ascension.  As we move from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous beings, we are ...

Nightly🌙 Bedside Medicyn💤

Tonight's card is 🤔Expansion. Expansion is about inward personal growth, that in turn creates outward growth.  This card has healing layers..  We first see what looks like a vulva or womb with someone about to be born from the earth. With expansion comes a desire for knowledge, curiosity and risk taking.  But with positive growth... we must have some shadow work to conquer. Look for signs such as... exhaustion, mood swings, anxiousness..ect. Treat yourself for stress overload now if you feel out of balance. We all crave learning the more you come to realize about yourself the more you will come to understand about our global connection.  We must learn from the past but don't let it hold you in place..  The time to be reborn is upon us. 

Nightly🌙 Bedside Medicyn💤

Tonight's card is really hitting the heart chakra ❣️ for most of us...hard.  Powerful choices MUST be made and deep feelings are being pulled to the surface. Fear makes some flee, freeze or fight.. The Eternal Union Card involves much more than the love of a lover.It is speaking about connection. Human connection ..the touch of someone's care and compassion. Right now  ...we are concerned that our connections are being cut off or withheld by the restrictions due to the virus. 👾 But we must see past these thinking errors. Now is the time to heal your ❤️ heart.   *Let the telephone or messager video..take the place of not physically seeing someone. It is okay.  👌 It is time to grow your inner circle or community.  Have you became so dependent on the superficial way we communicate? Are you so burnt out on life when you get home you just want be alone?  Then it is break that habit and rebuild.  Ultimately the medicyn here is simple. . Find your...

Growing Pains;for an evolving human race.

Wow .. The energies around me today are ones I have not felt this lifetime..  The mother Gaia is begging us to change our collective conscious mind thought. We have become a hateful race of humans, from the view of caring for each other and ourselves. This is her message..  * Keep it simple , take self responsibility for your actions. Your action affects others and the energies.  * Care about your loved one and yourself First.  * Volunteer ... If you have time on your hands and want to make change. Lost your job.. now is when you might find the one you really need to change your life. Be open to unusual offers and interesting opportunity.  * Get back to community .  * Be compassionate and patience. ..      This time will pass.