Nightly🌙 Bedside Medicyn💤
Tonight's card is really hitting the heart chakra ❣️ for most of us...hard.
Powerful choices MUST be made and deep feelings are being pulled to the surface. Fear makes some flee, freeze or fight..
The Eternal Union Card involves much more than the love of a lover.It is speaking about connection. Human connection..the touch of someone's care and compassion.
Right now ...we are concerned that our connections are being cut off or withheld by the restrictions due to the virus. 👾
But we must see past these thinking errors.
Now is the time to heal your ❤️ heart.
*Let the telephone or messager video..take the place of not physically seeing someone. It is okay. 👌
It is time to grow your inner circle or community.
Have you became so dependent on the superficial way we communicate? Are you so burnt out on life when you get home you just want be alone?
Then it is break that habit and rebuild.
Ultimately the medicyn here is simple..
Find your tribe; watch out for each other and take care of yourself and you will find. Ease and a sense of comfort..You are supported by the situation to make theses so.
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