
Showing posts from 2012

Prayer for the 2012 shift

Ode to the Toiled Ones For the Belief of Forward Motion. This is to address only the highest and best souls in our guidance; to rise from our own depths of personal purgatory. I call upon thee. I am asking that you assist the souls not yet aware or unable to feast upon your glory  at the moment. Help them remove their own heavy weights of burden so they may move to the space where the consciousness can be found. Give them knowledge & personal power to see and understand what impedes their process. Provide them with the strength and insight to navigate their way to their deepest desires. Empower them with good judgment and resilient emotional balance to support them as they tear away from the old ways and stand raw moving into the new ways. Allow them comfort and compassion to able to mend not only their wounds but to support the growth of the new vision. Give them patience to teach our children for they are the future of the plan...

According to the Witches Almanac,

Today the almanac says, Celebrate Ganesh Festival This is what the almanac says: August – September *, Ganesh Festival Chaturthi Known as the remover of obstacles, the beloved elephant-headed god, son of Shiva and Parvati, is the supreme deity of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. His bulging belly is said to contain the essence of the cosmos. Ganesh is honored at Chaturthi for ten days featuring feasts, dancing, singing, poetry and dramas, finishing with a huge public festival on the eleventh day. Rites center around icons of all kinds, from 3/4-inchclay images to those over 25 feet tall for procession floats. Red is the prevailing color and in temples priests clad in red silk invokes blessings from the garlanded idol, followed by the “sixteen ways of paying tribute.” At the mega-event Ganesh is carried through the streets to river or sea. The immersion of the god symbolizes the washing away of misfortunes. A variety of community benefits also are traditionally ...

According to the Witches Almanac,

Today the almanac says, Beware of Lightning! Of course when we think about this with our rational and logical mind, it wants to prompt you to look up to the clouds but metaphorically it can mean anything. Think about what first comes to mind when you read this it could be a glimpse into your mind’s eye and some interpersonal work that needs to be done.    It is a warning that something can happen out of nowhere today astrologically. With a barley full moon on the horizon this can be a time to force spiritual movement. If there are things you have not taken care of, procrastinated on or brushed under the carpet, today could be the day that the lid blows off. Not necessarily will it be bad or negative but it could feel that way at first. We know when lightning strikes it is usually not so comfortable at first. It is shocking, breathtaking and confusing at first sometimes, the action is downright destructive; stopping things completely or igniting a fury of f...

According to the Witches Almanac

Today the almanac says, “Meet a New Love”                   It means the stars astrologically are set up for the perfect situation to make things happen in this venue of your life. Love is not always about a person. Love is an emotion that the soul feels and it has many levels. Love can be simple and it can be very complex. It is exhilarating or even painful at times. At any rate you can find a new love today in many ways, by keeping your conscious mind alert to all the chances and synchronicities. Some ways things could happen…   ·       You could meet someone new or even fall in love with a current love ·       You might fall in love with yourself or your own child/grandchildren/family ·       You might find something new and different that you end up loving like; ü A hobby ü An object ü An ani...

Speeding Time

I have showcased this writer before; she is amazing at predicting my truth, when it comes to the energy flowing into my soul at this time from the cosmos. Take a read of her work, what can it hurt? Manuscript of survival part 181 Another Facebook friend was just mentioning on her thread about how fast time seems to be moving.  I agree, it is already the middle of August 2012. Whew! Where did the time go?   I think the human souls that are noticing this speed in time are mainly the ones in sync and awake with their conscious mind. While our unconscious friends and family continue to stay disengaged and disconnected. They seem to have longer days and possibly more negativity and drama based interaction with others and themselves. Aisha North talks about this in her blog. I feel the more your consciousness is alert and tuned in cognitively, the better equipped your body is to be handling the changing energies of the planet and time. It is similar to the way we proc...

According to The Witches Almanac

The most current book. According to The Witches Almanac, First let me give you a bit of history on how this book entered my life and has impacted me over the years. It all began for me in 1993 over 19 years ago and I still possess everyone. At that time I was just starting to awaken spiritually again; when I meet a woman working in a tattoo shop. She was a flowing spirit. She could perceive my spiritual power that had only begun to shine again. She was shocked that I was merely awakening to a new phase of my life. That is when she recommended three books and one of those books named was; The Witches Almanac. The book is in hardback, kindle and has a website for more detailed information. The look of the Almanac has changed over the years. I went out and got one the very next day. It has some amazing things inside the cover year after year. It includes; stories and folklore, moon cycles and gardening, weather forecasting, special dates and event...

Journaling with Reason.

.•°*☆❤ Q U E S T (I O N) ❤☆°*•.¸ 1. Do you believe unusual connections are coincidence or synchronicity? 2. What types of experiences like this have you had? Did they change your philosophy on Life or your frameworks for understanding yourself ? Asked by Soul Searchers on FaceBook....  Some excellent questions to ponder?? Great journaling material, if you don't do it. Strongly recommended, it is a great tool to help you work through you’re self-talk; you don’t have to keep them forever or horde them for years. The cathartic part of journaling (for me) happens while I am writing and when rereading what I just poured onto the paper! One good reason for NOT keeping your journal is because if we hang on the old; we leave no room for the new. You learn to let go emotionally of the past, this way otherwise; you allow old baggage to hang around.   However if your journaling for some base line information or about and unfinished   agenda in your life, keeping them is ...

Accept only the label that fits YOU best!

You ask...  I am but a simple human, struggling to find my way in a world. When looking at oneself in the mirror... You will find that, there are labels. We use these to define who and what we are. Labels form boundaries, Boundaries on your soul can be empowering and confining.   Many people will give you labels to suit, what they want you to be and what you might stand for to them. This action can be seen as name calling; if given in the wrong context. Your labels can change from moment to moment and person to person. You must be careful of the labels you choose to stand behind. Labels lead to rules that can cut you off from the rest of the world. It is up to you to look at yourself and accept or throw away those boundaries or labels, which do not apply. Don’t accept the ones that are not you or the ones that shut you off from who you really are. Be You and have NO fear. For name callers and label markers are powerless and usually posses the label themselves and ...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius Spell Work

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius Spell Work  for June 4, 2012 on a bare bones budget.      This Full Moon is in Sagittarius, once again showing us ways to continue our deep awakening process from comatose to consciousness. We must acknowledge our negative karma in order to release it accepting full responsibility in our entire actions whether they were /are right or wrong. When we finalize the cut to the bindings of the past emotional issues that weight us down and hold us hostage to our demons or shadows will walk away or disappear. Once true acceptance occurs we will feel rejuvenated, free, and ready to begin the next leg on our personal journey. You must trust this process and acknowledge it fully. This means say it out loud! I am going to make the changes in my life that I MUST make for my well being. Many of you ask, what do you mean? I am working on myself and things are not changing or I d...

Spell Work for Solar Eclipse

Spell Work for a Solar Ecplises. For those of you that are like me today, waking up and realizing that the eclipse is coming and you have not gotten one magical thing ready for it….here is the plan. Since this is a time about setting things free and beginning new phases of life, it is not strange for us to be just waking up from the powerful blow that is upon us. It is like being hit, your shocked almost comatose… Come to life now for the grid is shifting to a high tone and you must move to meet it’s force. Still in the tail spin???? Listen to this video.. A different journey If you don’t get to see the sun.. use this video to bring it in.. Sun Gazing If your managing to pull yourself out of the tail spin, here are a few resources to assist. Writing down your desires always helps them manifest and gives you a view that assist in keeping them consciously clear. You all know, I like creating spells that appeal to the bare bone budge...

Spell work for the Full Moon.

Conjuring for the Fullmoon,  Anything we conjure will be amplified. Realize it does not take a lot to manifest your will.  You don’t have to be so ritualistic in your conjuring, you can just stand before the moon and let your desires be known.  Some of you prefer tradition… so this is what you want to focus your spell on.  **One of my favorite Full moon rituals is to wash a quartz or rose crystal place it in a clear glass or jar of water before you go to bed.  If you don’t have a crystal or stone you don’t need it.  If you want to use something different then use it!  Make the glass of water a size that you can consume upon arising in the morning.  Put it in a place where the light of the moon can shine on it most of the night. ( trust it will absorb what it needs).  Place under the glass or jar a hand written note of your personal emotional goals.  One goal would be to allow myself to forgive itself or be honest to myself and ...

Am I a Dark Worker?

What is a Dark worker? A dark worker is the same as a light worker, with a few exception listed below. We work to balance the darkness. In the forces of dark and light, you can’t have one without the other. It is the yin (female) and yang (masculine) of complete balance just like the Tao symbol. ☯ Within the symbol there is a dot of the other half to create balance. Each one of us needs the other, with all light there is no dark and therefore balance cannot be achieved. We are here to assist the dark side of the planet; this does not mean we are in a negative state. It means each soul has a strong polarization towards one or the other. It does not mean we are going to influence you to do bad / evil things, which are your conscious choice. You create your own actions. You may chose to not take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings, projecting your actions on the healer your working with but the fact remains .It is your actions. Light and dark workers are...