According to the Witches Almanac,
Today the almanac says,
Beware of Lightning!
Of course when we think about this with our rational and logical mind, it wants to prompt you to look up to the clouds but metaphorically it can mean anything. Think about what first comes to mind when you read this it could be a glimpse into your mind’s eye and some interpersonal work that needs to be done.
It is a warning that something can happen out of nowhere today astrologically. With a barley full moon on the horizon this can be a time to force spiritual movement. If there are things you have not taken care of, procrastinated on or brushed under the carpet, today could be the day that the lid blows off. Not necessarily will it be bad or negative but it could feel that way at first. We know when lightning strikes it is usually not so comfortable at first. It is shocking, breathtaking and confusing at first sometimes, the action is downright destructive; stopping things completely or igniting a fury of fire.
Take away the shock by knowing in your mind’s eye the potential but don’t try to manifest it unless it is part of your destiny. If the lesson is bases on intention, it will happen, like it or not.
Next take a breath then react, the cosmic energy needs to stabilize before you can fully process the event or the action of the strike.
Think as rational and logical as you can and remembering that the energy you put out during this situation will come back to you.
Look for a silver lining as to why the light came in and zapped a hole in the spot needing attention. Destiny works in mysteries ways.
Think about this… when lighting strikes the ground it causes a fire, killing everything but once the fire cools then purpose moves forward. The fire has assisted with new growth and releases room for progression. It is the lessons of the life cycle.
Ultimately, YOU choose how to handle the emotional actions that come along with lightning strike. By thinking consciously on how much you assist the fire with your own words will dictate, the damage and how long it will be before the seeds of new growth can grow.
Remember it all depends on you; things are not as tragic as our emotion can make them feel.
May the gods smile on you today.
Blessed be… The Witches Almanac way!
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