Spell Work for Solar Eclipse
Spell Work for a Solar Ecplises.
For those of you that are like me today, waking up and realizing that the eclipse is coming and you have not gotten one magical thing ready for it….here is the plan.
Since this is a time about setting things free and beginning new phases of life, it is not strange for us to be just waking up from the powerful blow that is upon us. It is like being hit, your shocked almost comatose… Come to life now for the grid is shifting to a high tone and you must move to meet it’s force.
Still in the tail spin???? Listen to this video.. A different journey
If you don’t get to see the sun.. use this video to bring it in..Sun Gazing
If your managing to pull yourself out of the tail spin, here are a few resources to assist.
Writing down your desires always helps them manifest and gives you a view that assist in keeping them consciously clear.
You all know, I like creating spells that appeal to the bare bone budgets.
I studied from the books written by Scott Cunningham. Two books I have referred to today are Earth Power and Earth, Air, Fire & Water Theses books may not be modern but they teach us that the tools we use in spells are for evoking spirit and the power of the spell comes from your intentions.
Remember since this is about the sun it represents the element of Fire!
Use candles and incense to heighten the spell but not needed if you don’t have.
Spell for Solar Equinox
The spell I created today can be used over the next few months to help you stay aligned. Just add a drop or two into any dish.. LOL like a pinch of solar eclipse.
Use it to cook with and DO NOT add anything inedible to it!
Use what ever spices in the mixture you have on hand, this will add the power to your inner soul structure.
We are working from the inside out. Create, Manifest and Enjoy!
Herbs and powers: This is too great to recreate
Get a jar
If you have a mirror place the jar on it (this will amplify the sun); if not don’t fear.
Place a cup (more or less) of cooking oil in the jar.
I prefer olive oil, but any thing edible will do.
Use what ever spices that empower you or ones you love..
As you sprinkle them in say, out loud, what you want to transform or start. Keeping the highest and best in mind always. If you have children let them help put some sprinkles in. You can’t have too much!
As this sits in the sun, the power will blend into a powerful cooking oil.
Over the next few months, cook with it.
Believe in it’s power and the sunlight’s power will shine in on the dark spaces like a seeping light to help you continue to transform into the human you want to be!
Blessed be.
Michaela Silvermoon Medicyn
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