Great Changes in Many Ways... Let's Heal Together Day 2

Tonight we begin to tune our self by undoing situation and allowing forgiveness to come into our soul. We ask and will only allow in great change. We must believe that even the smallest changes create a domino effect that will set us free. Whether we are wishing for the right job, lover or even to find a place to land that you can call home, it is our fears that hold us hostage. Fear engages a chemical reaction in our fight and flight response by activating the amygdala in the brain. We become addicted to fear in a strange way. That is why many of us create drama and situations that cause this reaction. This tone works on the neo cortex that helps us regulate the amygdala’s response. It will help you release any post traumatic thinking that is hold you back.

So set back and let this 6 minutes of Solfeggio frequency change your course of living; by letting the addiction to fear go away, undoing situations that you have created to maintain the feeling and  find the light in the path to set yourself on track to healing.
great resources

Here is the link for some. 

 RE - 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change


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