The Power in a Mirror~ Scrying

Over the years of our lives, we learn that a mirror
can be our best friend or worst enemy. It has
long been used for practical uses like beauty and
decoration. On a magical level, it is used for a range of
many things like scrying, protection, and reflective magic.
The supremacy held in the reflection of a mirror can
drive someone to madness with vanity or distort their
mind’s images. Our own beliefs and perceptions add to
this visual facade.

There is a Greek fable about a man named Narcissus; he was a very proud man, almost to the point of self absorption.
A divine spirit of retribution named Nemesis
saw his vanity and led Narcissus to a pool of water where he saw his own reflection. 
He was overcome by his beauty to the point that he could not take his eye off of himself,
so much so that he laid there 
entranced until he died.
This can happen to us when we only look at the mirrorwith our physical eyes, seeing the image that we want to see or that others have influenced us to expect to be.

What Is Scrying?
When we try looking past the lines of the figure in the
mirror, relaxing our eyes so they come out of focus, we
are then seeing with our mind’s eye (our third eye); this is
called scrying. It is believed that this is where you see your
true path. This practice was begun at the beginning of

time by using natural elemental items like pools of water,
smoke, and fire; others have used stones/crystals, glass,
and shining metals.
Scryers are often called seers or peepers. They use
this magical practice to find answers for one’s spiritual
purpose or fortune-telling needs. Many cultures have used
this technique in divination, and as the cyber age grows,
someone could use the computer to do this. It is the
luminescent or reflective qualities that help the mind’s eye
to unwind.
When we use the mirror for a deeper purpose other
than image, it takes us to a cavernous level in our mind, bringing us close to the subconscious and leaving the seer
feeling like they are standing in a void-type space, smothered
in the ethers of the other world. The visions become
clearer as you continue to practice. In time, scrying can
put one in touch with the Akashic Records. This is where
every fiber of all things and beings are stored. These records
can bestow you with the power to look beyond the
Mirrors have also long been used for protection and
reflective magic. Another common story was of a Greek
hero named Perseus, who used his highly polished shield
to turn Medusa into stone. Even though this is a myth, itdoes have a powerful message. The mirror cannot only be
used to repel others, but it can also make you see things
in yourself that only you can see. Some qualities are great
and others almost terrifying.

Mirrors Used as Portals
Mirrors can be used like portals as well. There is
much controversy surrounding this topic. Some believe
that the mirror needs to be created for just this purpose
before it can become a portal. Mirrors can be made of
glass or obsidian; obsidian is a black volcanic rock with
a polished side that reflects the light. Others think that a
mirror is a natural portal that can be activated depending
on the energy located in its position in the home.
Some have said that if you see someone standing behind
you in the mirror and disappear as you turn around,
you can believe that you may have seen the reflection
of the house’s spirit. But some may actually be seeing
something in themselves that they need to change or let
go of. When we refuse to see with all our eyes, we may be
forced by the “powers that be” to come to terms with the
deep powers of the mirror.
People have seen spirits pass through mirrors and
stand trapped in them. And many cultures still cover
the mirror to prohibit access for astral travel and when
someone in the family dies. They do this so the spirit of
the loved one will not be trapped in the mirror by its own
reflection or the reflection of a light in the room. Families
often cover the mirror before dusk, just to assure limited
access to the home.
It is known that shadow spirits use the mirror for
travel as well. Shadow images seem to travel more at
night, but that is mainly because the dim lights help us notice
them better. Many believe there are portals between
mirrors, allowing easy travel from space to space that any
energy being, shadow or light being, can use.
If you do decide to consecrate a mirror for scrying or
making a portal, it is very important to study all the consequences
and have a powerful protection spell in place just
in case something very negative comes in.
The mirror has so much power that if one was to
break it, they would face seven years of bad luck. With
that kind of power over us, the mirror deserves to be
appreciated. So the next time you look into a mirror, try
seeing past the solid lines of yourself, clearing your mind
and opening up to the power, deep messages, and possibilities
of the mirror.

First featured in Paranormal Underground Magazine  April 2013


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