
Showing posts from 2013

What is a Symbiotic Psychic Vampire?

Symbiotic/Symbiosis; defined as a relationship between two of anything, one drawing off the other. The draw can be positive or negative depending on what the connection is about but usually it is mutual benefit. What is a symbiotic psychic vampire? A symbiotic vampire is a form of psychic vampire with the characteristic of surviving on the draining of only negative energy . So instead of feeding off of the life force physical and mental energies, symbiotic vampires feed off of the spiritual energies and electro-bio-chemical energy found in a person's aura. In my opinion It requires the symbiotic psychic vampire to be humble and empathic to be effective in their own energy levels. One must have morals and ethics, understanding how you as the symbiotic psychic vampire affect everyone around you. The path of a symbiotic vampire is not easy but can be managed with introspective self work. We drain negative energy with intent and do not usually wish to har...

Walking the Twilight Path..Understanding Psychic Vampirism

Walking the Twilight Path can be complicated till you understand it! Psychic vampires are mortal humans that feed off the life force. The life force is called Qi or Chi (life breath) or            Prana(Sanskrit for "vital life") T here are many beliefs and myths about Psychic Vampires. Your belief will depend on how you were raised and your experiences with other people. Most of us have experienced an emotional vampire, giving us a negative impression of a vampire. This type of soul is not a vampire, it is a person that has a broken or blocked 3 rd charka and they need to take your personal power to feel whole or validated. Psychic Vampires are frequently confused with this type of soul. You can protect yourself. Simply cut that person out of your life. The greatest fear about Psychic Vampires comes from thinking, that you cannot protect yourself from their attacks. That is not true, if you open yourself to any type of psy...

Tantric Relationships

What is Tantric? Tantric relationships involve working on your soul with another in a conscious manner. It requires cognitive work where you think before acting and use purpose and intention to complete the action. At the start of a relationship lust and desire are the fueling emotions that come along with sexual contact. But as things settle down and life takes over things become mundane and routine for couples.   Tantric relationships are about consciously thinking about the other soul and yourself through compromise and communication. Before things head into a hum drum pattern you should establish some things that can keep the emotions of intimacy alive. Most relationships end due to lack of intimacies. Tantric love involves soft touches, making the energy between both souls come alive with passion. Create a connection that fosters openness and playfulness. Otherwise, control and taking each other for granted may sneak in with the trials of life. If you...

Soul Mates, Karmic and Twin Flames

I could re-write what has been written by so many others but.... I will not. The web site soul2soul & twin soul (called Soul 2 Soul) has the best definition about soul mates' I have read thus far.    We meet people for a reason, whether it is for a few seconds in time or for years. I want to talk about how to tell if someone is a karmic soul mate. Karmic souls are meant to teach each other a lesson, sometimes positive and other times negative. Sometimes you won’t be able to see the lesson(s) until forever comes to an end. In a soul mate relationship, everything in the beginning happens so easily. Meeting this soul may seem breathe-takingly magical and you may notice many naturally occurring coincidences that draw you even closer to that soul. You quickly know you’re meant to be with this person no matter what anyone thinks and you will risk everything to be with them.   This connection will teach you the lesson...

Human Values

  Human Values     What ones do you need to be working on?

Emotions ~ Master List~

Positive Human Emotions Adequate Awe Assured Able Capable Certain Charmed Cheerful                    Comfortable Compassion Courageous Confidence Determined Delighted Eager Energetic Enthusiastic Excited Exhilarated Expectant Elation Empathy Excellent Fascinated Glad Good Great Grateful Glorious Glamorous Graceful Happy Hopeful Humorous Inspired Interested Joyful Magnificent Lively Love Pleasure Playfulness Peaceful Pleasant Powerful Pride Positive Relaxed Relieved Satisfied Surprised Sympathy Stable Sublime Superior Thrilled Negative human emotions Annoyed Anxious Apprehensive Agonize Anger Anxiety Apathy Bored Burdened Cautious Competitive Concerned Confused Contempt Depressed Destructive Disgusted Distracted Doubtful Disappointed Exasperated Exhausted Embarrassment Envy ...

Special Briefing on:::: Ascension

Ascension What is it? Is it just another prophecy sent out to create fear? Who is ascending? Will my loved ones come with me? What am I suppose to do about it? Why should I care, when there is no proof? Why is it happening now? What if you wake up too late ?  What will it hurt for you to try? How come there are no hard facts in the news? You don’t have to believe that anything is going on but what if it is and you choose not to act? During this period in our current lives the vibration of the planet is rising and our spiritual bodies are moving towards enlightenment and positive understanding.                                       It seems like time is speeding up, things are happening faster. Our DNA is changing . Most of you are feeling the ...

Signs & Cymptoms of a Soul Awakening

               Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm. ~~by: Unknown~~ Seeing the signs and cymptoms of awakening can be a challenge for all of us. We tend to just want to take a pill or feed our addictions in place of changing our interpersonal direction. I found this list on the internet and it is the best one. I take no credit for this site but do feel it covers any type of sign/cymptoms you could have.                                      50 SYMPTOMS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING                                          ...

Understanding the CALL

Understanding the CALL The start of the awakening process>>>>>>>>> So you are awake now and need to understand what is happening to you.                                           **** Frequently, listen to your body. It's need for water and rest.  **** Trust you know why process better than anyone. **** Tune into the synchronicity of your life path. ***Allow yourself to feel. Feeling the full emotion; s uppressing emotions are dangerous.   **** Know you may experience many calls, as each layer of yourself is understood... then next layer begins to show. We all have seasons, within our spiritual life ups, downs, plateau and stagnation. These are normal whether you're actively working your path or not. Don’t...

Types of Awakenings:

Spiritual awakenings are noted to have a variety of different names. The experience is often referred to as mystical, paranormal, or sacred. Spiritual awakenings will differ depending on what part of the world you are in. Some cultures are very religious based and the experience may be seen as a message from the gods or deities. Others deem this process as strictly part of the brain’s function and believe it is controlled by the mind. Yet another group feels it is a walk-in experience where a different soul is sent to take over the body after the other soul has quit living. Regardless of the way awakening is viewed, the fact remains that something is occurring and you may need help dealing with it while it happens.   Here are some types of awakening.     Kundalini Awakening: An activation of charkas, usually beginning from the root charka (red) and stretching to the crown charka (purple).When this activation happens it brings the human ...