ADDICTIONS are Ways of Spiritual Avoidance

Addictions keep us numb to the signs of awakening.
We  ALL have to decide moment by moment about, what is the best way to manage our lives and come to terms with the choices we have made. This is not as easy for some, as it is for others. Our desire to use addictive crutches is because of the numb feeling that the drugs and alcohol give us. Leaving us with a deep craving to continue using. When the third charka is blocked or closed it adds to the desire by making it even harder to break the patterns and habits we become use to. This process creates a spiritual avoidance.
Being numb is not a solution, it's a way of taking your focus
off what your spiritual path.When drugs and alcohol are used; they tend to leave a person in a state of denial, with a sense of false hope that your future is not your concern. Helping you to continue to avoid the spiritual side of your self.

If your friends or family are telling you that you need help, listening to them.
People who love you... rarely lie about this. I known what it feels like because of  my own experience(s) with drugs and alcohol.


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