Emotional Clearing...making room too feel.
Our Life Force energy, the Hara Line, is comprised of human emotions. This energy wraps around us. When our emotions are negative and/or blocked they deplete your life force.
It is hard when external situations and people do things that effect your emotions but
it is you that determines how you react to these situations.
Holding on to negative feelings can cause blocks in our energy. It is important that you discover what emotions are holding you back. A few potential emotional traps include...
Sadness & Depression Panic & Rage Fear & Un-owned Guilt
It takes work and a desire to make changes. Some feel that you have to get help and Yes, some do. But if you have a great desire to look deeply into yourself then you can, reprogram your own emotional baggage.
How do I know what emotions to clear? Anything that leaves to feeling unpleasant, rethinking your actions
It takes work and a desire to make changes. Some feel that you have to get help and Yes, some do. But if you have a great desire to look deeply at yourself you can reprogram your own emotional baggage.Then ask yourself - Why are you feeling this way? What has really happened to make you feel the negative emotion? Is it your feeling? Or is it one someone else has projected on to you? We only have control over our own feelings. Once we realize an emotion is triggered by what someone else thinks about us, then we can learn to step away from that toxic feeling.
Last step is to…. Let go!
Once we learn to let go of feelings that are not
functional to our well being, we are able to see things more clearly. This makes
room for our life force to expand and life situations become easier. You must
trust your process.
If you need more information about clearing emotions;
visit my Youtube channel Silvermoon Medicyn prescriptions
You will find a complete playlist to help you clear and
understand many emotions.
If you want help in recognizing your negative
I am here to assist and guide you.
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